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Gareth Eaton, 10/16/2023 12:57 AM

Moving Nextcloud to a New Server

Step 1: Backup the Old Nextcloud Data Folder

1.1. Use FileBrowser to access your server. If you don't have FileBrowser installed, you can get it using the following commands:

curl -fsSL | bash

1.2. Login to FileBrowser using this command:

filebrowser -a 192.168.*.* -p 8080

Replace 192.168.*.* with your server's IP address. Access FileBrowser via your web browser at http://192.168.*.*:8080.

1.3. Download the Nextcloud Data folder.

Step 2: Backup Your MySQL Database

Back up your MySQL database using this command:

mysql -u your_mysql_username -p your_database_name < your_backup_file.sql

In my case, it might look like this:

mysql -u nextcloud -p nextcloud < nextcloud-sqlbkp.bak

Step 3: Install a New Copy of Ubuntu and Nextcloud

3.1. Install a new copy of Ubuntu 20.04 on your new server. Update the system and follow the instructions to install Nextcloud.

3.2. During the Nextcloud installation, create a user named "nextcloud-admin."

3.3. Put Nextcloud into maintenance mode using this command:

sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --on

Step 4: Upload Database and Data Folder

4.1. Using FileZilla, upload the database and data folder to the new server.

Step 5: Move Data to the Nextcloud/Data Folder

Use rsync to move the data to the Nextcloud data folder:

sudo rsync -avP source_directory/ /var/www/html/nextcloud/data/

Step 6: Restore the Database

Restore the database using this command:

mysql -u your_mysql_username -p your_database_name < your_backup_file.sql

For example:

mysql -u nextcloud -p nextcloud < nextcloud-sqlbkp.bak

Step 7: Verify Access and Data

You should now be able to access your Nextcloud. Verify that your users and files are intact.

Updated by Gareth Eaton over 1 year ago · 3 revisions